Designing AI systems that can be adapted to any genre or game type allows for unparalleled versatility, but developing games AI without a specific game in mind has become an industry-wide challenge.
The Componentized Dataflow Framework (CDF) approach enables studios to solve this by developing games AI systems in a generalized, flexible manner. This flexibility is a driving force behind Kythera AI’s approach to AI tools, which aims to empower game designers with tools to express their creative visions with ease.
" Many of our behavior design tools today start off really simple and easy to use and then before you know it, they've blown up in complexity. You tweak things, you handle edge cases and bugs and you end up with a complicated web of behavior. It's highly valuable to understand this trade off.
Sam Fay-Hunt, Game AI Developer, Kythera AI
Kythera AI was invited to introduce this concept to a packed audience at the AI Summit at Games Developers Conference 2024.
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